Big mountain connoisseur with a passion for high country endeavors by fair means.
Dedicated to pushing innovation in splitboarding since 2006.
Spark R&D
P.O. Box 3284, Bozeman, MT 59772 USA
Big mountain connoisseur with a passion for high country endeavors by fair means.
Q & A
Talk about your most epic splitboard adventure:
It would be hard to pinpoint just one... Nepal, Bolivia, Alaska, Antarctica, the High Sierra- they all lend some form of excitement and epic'ness!
What has most influenced your backcountry riding?
Our elders that have come before us to help show us the way - Jim Zellers, Tom Burt, Craig Kelly, Jeremy Jones, Marco Siffredi.
What are you most excited about for the 24/25 season?
What inspires you?
The unknown limitless possibilities ahead.
Why ride Spark R&D gear?
Spark provides unwavering faith and confidence in my equipment. I know I can trust these bindings while in serious environments and focus on the task at hand.