A Fundraising Benefit for Megan Pischke
April 17, 2013
3PM – 6PM après | 7PM – 2:00AM event
Merlin’s Bar & Grill in Whistler Blackcomb, BC
Boarding for Breast Cancer (B4BC) seeks your support in honoring and raising funds for one of our own, pro snowboarder and B4BC ambassador Megan Pischke. Megan, who has been leading B4BC’s Survivor ReTreats for the past 5 years, was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and is in need of support for her ongoing treatment and integrated health care.
Spark R&D has donated a custom pair of Blaze LTs for the silent auction. Please attend this event if you can, or consider donating if you cannot make it in person. Please stand in solidarity with Megan and her family, rally your friends and all you know, and give a little towards someone who gives so much to all of us!
More info on the event here: http://www.stayclassy.org/whistler-bc-canada/events/b4bc-4-megs-fundraiser-for-b4bcs-friend-pro-snowboarder-megan-pischke/e23910