Get your goods before we’re gone for good … well, not for good, but for a couple weeks anyway.
As most of you know, Spark is a small family owned and operated business. So when it’s tradeshow season, the whole Spark family hits the road. Literally – the WHOLE Spark family. Which means, there won’t be anyone back at the homefront to answer the phone, respond quickly to emails, or take your web orders. In fact, we will be shutting off our webstore on Jan 26th at 12am. We pride ourselves on customer service, being the resident experts on all things split, and getting stuff out the door quickly. But from Jan 28-Feb 8 2013, we will be out of the office and spreading the Spark good cheer (oh, and showcasing our 13/14 lineup, which is epic by the way).
Soooooooo …. what does that mean for you? This is your one week warning to get those tailclips you wanted, replace your toe adjusters, buy a second set of LT Brackets, or get that Spark hoody you asked Santa for but never got. And if you need anything between Jan 28th and Feb 8th, feel free to email or call (though our voice mailbox might be full at that point) and just know that it will take longer than usual to get back with you.
Or even better….please contact your local dealer during this time for all of your Spark split needs. We have an incredible, knowledgeable, band of Spark dealers worldwide who can help you out with most anything. Please give them a ring and see if they can help you out. CLICK HERE for Spark Dealer link.
As always, THANK YOU for your support and energy. We’ll see you after the shows!
-Team Spark